Welcome to Year 6/7 - Miss Wilkinson's Class!
September was such a busy month with lots of elections taking place. We listened to speeches and voted for our School Council, ECO committee, Year 7 Prefects and school librarians. Below you can see some photos of us in action delivering our speeches:
Every week we practice our spellings through games with our partners. We enjoy doing this and it helps with our spellings for Friday test
In WAU during Term 1 we learnt all about the Victorians. We found out about Queen Victorian and some of the things she did during her reign as queen. We also learnt about what life was like for Victorian children - in their lives, in school and in their spare time.
During PE in Term 1 we had IFA FUNdamental coaching. We were taught many different skills as well as having fun in the process. Below are some photographs of us during the lessons:
Friday 26th September 2014 we celebrated European Day of Languages. We studied Italy as our chosen European country in Key Stage 2. We had fun learning italian words, phrases and numbers. We also used pasta for our Art lesson which was very different. Then we got to try some Italian foods, below are some photos of us tasting the foods:
Class Assembly
On Tuesday 4th November we led the Key Stage 2 assembly. Our theme was friendship. We listed the qualities that makes a good friend in our acrostic poem and friend recipe, we talked about how Jesus taught us in the Bible to have faith in our friends and we discussed how we all need to be a good friend to one another.
Below are some of the photos of us in action:
In Term 2 we were learning about Victorian Crime and punishment in the World Around Us. During numeracy we were learning about Money and Time.
Easter 2015 - we made Easter buns as a treat. We made nets out of chocolate and shredded wheat then added some delicious eggs to them. It was good fun!
Term 3 - In WAU we are learning about Australia
For our P.E this term, Sam and Chris from the 'Designed to Move' project came in to take us for 6 weeks. We had lessons in Football, Basketball and Uni-hock. We had lots of fun and learned lots of new skills.
We went out for our class litter pick. We found some strange pieces of litter. Some of also helped to tidy up the planter boxes.